Used Cooking Oil (UCO): Used cooking oil is waste or spent cooking & frying oils collected from commercial food factories, restaurants, arena's, casinos, schools, bakeries, etc. While the majority of used cooking oils are vegetable based, by no means should UCO be considered "waste vegetable oil" as there is inevitably some level of animal fat GREENEA spot price assessments UCOME, TME and RED FAME 0 and RED RME, our report includes used cooking oil, animal fat and glycerin prices. Your broker for waste-based feedstock & biodiesel. Who we are; Our view on the waste based biodiesel. WASTE - BASED MARKET PERFORMANCE (Updated January 9) USED COOKING OIL. Extrapolated to the total EU population of around 500 million, this means that 4 Mton of UCO is the annually capacity – seven times more than the current collected amount. This potential increases around 2% per year, following the annual increase of cooking oil usage in the EU‐15.